Monday, June 23, 2008

The Hunt for "New Keywords"

When class ended, I was on my way to the bookstore to purchase the required text “New Keywords”. I was texting and walking at the same time, so my attention span was pretty minimal. As I was walking down the steps, I suddenly felt myself tripping. I said to myself, "Oh, don't fall. Don't fall. Don't fall." Luckily I had a fast reaction and quickly jumped off the step and landed on two feet before I actually tripped. I thanked the lord that I did not fall on my face because that definitely would have been humiliating. Not only humiliating, but painful too.

Approximately five minutes later I made it to the UC Davis Bookstore. I was standing in the locker area and noticed that every locker was taken. I thought to myself, "Ha, yeah right! I'm not waiting around for no stinkin' locker. It's not like I'm going to steal something." So I just walked through the store with my handbag. I was searching for the text under the UWP 101 Section, but I had no luck. My eyes were moving continuously around in circles in a clockwise direction and it started to hurt, but “New Keywords” did not appear to be anywhere in sight. I recognized a classmate, and it was apparent that we both could not find this text. It is very frustrating when you can't find something that isn't even hard to find. I mean it's a writing textbook for crying out loud! After several minutes of searching, my classmate finally found it and pointed me into the right direction. The text was under the English section instead of UWP 101. The workers there need to fix that because "New Keywords" should be under the UWP 101 section since it's a required text for the UWP 101 class, not English. I was flipping through pages of multiple books because I wanted one that did not have any writing or notes written on it by previous owners. I like my books to be untouched by pens or highlighters so I can take my own notes in them.

I was looking at the contents page and the list of topics seemed very interesting. I’m looking forward into reading, analyzing, and interpreting the contents in this text. There are many words in this text that I don't know about. I'm also looking forward to all the debates we'll be having because I know there will be conflicting opinions and ideas amongst everyone.


Rachel said...

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who had trouble finding the book.

Christopher Schaberg said...

That bookstore stairwell always feels so vertiginous to me. I like how you embedded the book cover into your post; one of the advantages of writing with blogs is that it is fairly easy to use images to strike a tone or make a point. Your narrative has flow and feeling.